1st January; 1st Post

Well, well, well.  I have been here before haven’t I.  Starting a new blog and trying to convince myself that it will last.  I think my record is three months, where I carefully nurture followers, interact and write some great erotica but then, usually in a fit of frustration, I ditch the site and find the delete button; instantly regretting it.  Hopefully not this time; after all its the new year; the first of January and all that.   With an degree of OCD about things like order and symmetry starting a blog on this date has a nice feel to it. Something to aspire to keep to.  Like a new years resolution.

I have had numerous blogs in the past, some of them quite successful.  Some of you may have followed me before.  Over the last few years, if you have read the blogs of Erika Olson Smith, Aoife Johansson, Quirinus Dusk or Aaron Causer, then you have been reading me.  I have written under many different pseudonyms in the past, some male, some female (probably all pretentious).  Some of these had up to 100 followers, especially when I was on Tumblr.  Why did I write as both?  Just to see what the experience was with followers.  I have to confess the biggest difference between writing as a guy or a girl was the number of dick pics I got sent.

Just to clarify; Ovidius Dusk is another pretentious pseudonym.  I like Roman names; what can I say.  I can confirm, at last check, I am a guy.  I’m married, happily.  In the past, my wife has read and enjoyed my blogs; I hope I can persuade her to read this sometime.  If you are wondering what to expect here, I will post some sexy stories, maybe a few fantasies, lots of general observations and opinions.  As the week goes on, Ill tidy up the bio section, the disclaimers and the contact me section.  A lot of what I write will be tongue in cheek.  I like to put my tongue in places, but thats another story.